Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013


When i was 10 years old i was living in this house that when no-one was home sounded like there was some-one banging on the heater in the basement. (we had a in floor heater from the basement.) This went on for a while. It wasn't even a year later when it stopped and then i started to hear voices calling my name every where i went in that house. All animals were afraid to go near my room and at night i would have O.B.E's all the time. It became a normal thing for me, but when i started to have nightmares that felt like i was being murdered and i was able to see these and being able to see the face of the person that killed was the same in every dream, nightmare, and night-terror.( Night-terror's are when you feel the pain and all physical happenings that are from the night-terror in actuall life. this is from what I understand of the meaning Night-terror.)
it would only get worse from here on i would start to hear stuff that most people can't or i could hear stuff from a great distance, i would start to see thing such as all the simple things that could happen to an object or what someone has done to that object without being told or seeing them actually doing it. But what scared me the most is when i moved to my new house i still heard these voices and someone banging on the wall or even now all animals that have been in my presence will try to avoid me and no animal i know of have gone to my room without running as fast as they could out.
This has only stopped for a month and is still going on it doesn't scare me anymore, but i think this ghost or whatever it is, is huanting me. i have not seen anything unusual except for when i fall sleep in my room or stay awake and all of a sudden feels like there is fog and looks like there is fog covering my body, when this happens i am not able to move, i can only lie there and breathe till it is gone or untill i fall asleep. This has gone on to long, it is starting to mess with my mind i feel like im about to do something that would get me sent to an insane asylum.
I also get creeped out when this happens because if any-one or thing is in my room i wake right before they enter or right after they leave. Most people believe im just crazy but i truely am just a normal person who notices the abnormal. But what is awkward is that i am greatly interested in this kind of stories or movies of such kind this does not scare me a whole lot but i need to find out if it is just me or if something is happening, so, if you can, just help me please.accourding to someone experience

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