Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

The Scream.

This event caught me by surprise so stay with me. It takes place in my own apartment which, to my knowledge, is not haunted so i suppose this story is more about a, rather interesting, single event as apposed to a reoccurring event. It was around 2:30 in the morning. After a night of hosting a party and drinking all the guests had left and to my knowledge i went to bed. There was a girl who decided to spend the night with me and we were laying in bed and talking about the party and what had went on throughout our individual days. Suddenly out of nowhere there was a scream....a womanly, bloodcurdling scream. Now....i live in a really nice apartment and the windows happen to be double pained and insulated so for any noise to come from the outside they would either have to be open or the noise would have to be very, very loud. this being my first thought i got out of bed and checked outside....there was nothing no subsequent screams and so my second thought was that maybe one of the windows happened to be open and a passing, drunk passenger in a car was screaming out the window of her car......this was not the case either. So my mind was racing trying to figure out what might have cause this.....the wind!!....the wind can do wonderful things to the psyche of the unsuspecting....however it was a calm night no storms or even a cloud in the sky as i check outside a second time. So i lay back in bed at this time and lay there thinking of what it could have been and nothing comes to mind. I roll over and ask the girl who is strangly relaxed at this time as an even such as this would at least rattle the cage a bit. I ask her if she heard it and what her thoughts were. two things happend, not to my surprise she did hear it, but what she told me next caught me off guard and frankly gave me the chills. She starts talking and relays a story of a (what she describes as a demon however i don't believe this to be the case) relatively short creature, all black except for a set of green glowing eyes that has haunted her ever since she was little. the creature manifests out of nowhere and is only visible for a second however as it disappears it is accompanied by a scream.....a scream of a woman in tourtured pain. now...upon hearing this unexpectedly you can imagine i am quite shaken and not sure if i can go to sleep....but the good thing is she tells me that the "creature" never causes harm or mischief of any kind so after a while i can go to sleep....but the memory of such a thing following this lady and the thought that it was in my house sticks with me and probably will forever.....forever reminding me of the sound of that scream. accourding to someone's experience

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