Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013


In the past i have had a keen interest in the occult Kabballa etc. Always seeking knowledge and information on the past and history of unusual things.
i even purchased a set of rune stones and dabbled at divination for myself primarily. my first encounter with an ojia board did not result in any thing at all
i pretended to have an event by pushing the stylus myself across the board. 1975. well years later here in fla i had a neighbor that was special needs but nice, she had a board so i asked a question not expecting much... boy was i surprised! my First question was " who created you?" The stylus went to the name on the board, I Did Not Push The stylus it moved wit me only lightly touching it no movement on my part. after that i asked every question about the board i could think of all answered by the thing connected to the board. Than i asked personal questions... Like would i be a good father to my children. The answer was yes then i asked the most important ( at least to myself ) I asked will i go to Heaven... The answer was ......NO a chill went through my body needless to say i was frightened in a deep and dark way the memory still bothers me to this day. Now with all of my dabbling and i inquiry
into occult things i have always tried to practice my christian faith I don't believe that Knowledge is evil but i do believe people can put Knowledge to evil use. It is in that light that i have studied many things practices and religious beliefs for better understanding of the world in which i live. On the issue at hand after prayer study and meditation (Yes Christians Meditate) That one of two things happened to me on that day. The Father of all lies or one of his agents communicated with me as i was open to communication at that time( I still may be i just don't know) or some how my concerns about my life were some how reflected by the medium of the board in any event it was a life changing experience. I no longer bother with boards like that and i have put my rune stones away, Im satisfied with being surprised with life as it comes, Yes im still curious im just more careful in how i delve into Knowledge. accourding to someone's experience

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